Tuesday, December 28, 2010

While you're here..

Thanks for checking out the blogspot page.  While you're here sign-up as a follower.  Let us know who is listening.  Shoot us some feedback.  Recommend an artist or theme for an upcoming episode.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,

    Loved the first two episodes and digging the unique concept of the show. Since I am around Rob's age its nice to revisit some of my favorite bands of my high school days (Although it is very hard to listen to any They Might Be Giants and distance it from their work on Flood). Matt's youthful perspective gives my ears a nice kick in the drum to artists that are flying under my radar, The Wavves single you played on the first episode was a nice surprise, I am looking forward to hearing the whole album, even if Rob was not too terribly impressed.

    I do have a question about the show's format though: Who picks which single is played on the show from each album? Is it the person who suggested the album or the reviewer? I think it would be pretty cool if after the reviewer gives the album a listen they chose their favorite song off the album or the song that best defines that album or artist.

    I also have a show theme suggestion. In light of Cee lo Green's viral summer hit "Fuck You" and his release of "Lady Killer", what about Break-Up albums? And from there I would like to suggest you review my favorite breakup album: Chicago's own, Local H "12 Angry Months"

    Anyway I love the show, can't wait for the next episode.

    Ben Pfeifer
    Cincinnati, OH
